
Grandpa's Pet

Grandpa's Pet

My grandfather had a pet fly. The same fly every year. I believe his name was Bub.

My Mom told me this with a grin. As a child, she didn’t know that flies don’t live too long, and had thought he really had a pet that returned year after year. A charming thing for my grandfather to do, who was always hilarious in a very understated way. With the same grin, she told me how he used to hit her.

My Brother Died in the Hospital

When I was 12, my brother died in the hospital. I didn’t get to see him to say goodbye. I was told he would be fine, but the adults in my life really didn’t want me to see him because he was hooked up to so many tubes, wires and machines, and they thought it would upset me. It would have, I’m sure, but it upset me more to have him slip away, unseen, with no closure.